Taipei To Get City-Wide Wi-Fi Network, Free Calls

A Taiwanese technology vendor will offer fixed-rate, unlimited calling over Taipei's forthcoming city-wide network.

December 2, 2005

1 Min Read
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A city-wide Wi-Fi network is being created in Taipei, and one private vendor says it will use that network to offer flat-rate voice service and unlimited international calling, reported Thursday.

Ennyah Technologies, described as a Taiwanese consumer electronics vendor, told the British news organization that, after the network is set up, it will rent dual-mode phones for $33 a month that will support both Wi-Fi and GSM cellular access. Part of the deal is that users will get unlimited international calls, a company spokesperson told VNUnet.

Ennyah said it is currently testing the service and will start rolling it out in the next few months. The company also will offer Wi-Fi-only devices for about half that price, VNUnet said. Ennyah develops consumer goods such as graphic cards and MP3 players, according to its Web site.

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