The Transformations Shaping 2019

We don’t need new technologies in 2019, what we need is a complete vision for applying those new technologies. That’s a vision that our transformations will provide, at long last. In fact, in 2019, they’ll usher in the new age of computing.

Tom Nolle

January 3, 2019

1 Min Read
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One transformation is usually plenty for technology markets, and truth be told we don’t even have a great track record managing a single driver of change. Next year, we’re going to have to get smarter, because four distinct transformations are happening, and the sum of their impacts will shape the year.

Narrowing the Gap

The first transformation is the narrowing of the distance between IT and workers. This isn’t a new trend; we can map the changes this force has created all the way back to the 1950s. Computing used to take place on massive mainframes tended by acolytes in suits and capturing business activity by keypunching activity records created manually. With the cloud, we can push computing forward to intervene in the way people work, and that’s huge.

(Image: Pixabay)

Business has up to now focused on processing transactions, which are packaged records of a desired step, like a sale or shipment. If you think about it, transaction-think means that information systems are setting a framework for workers -- they have to produce transactions. Transactions also structure work into a series of offline steps that lead to a single message exchange. That message exchange has to be very quick because by this time the worker has done those other steps and is just waiting around.

The cloud and smartphones are combining to push worker support into those steps that used to be offline. We may still have a culminating result, but it’s coached along by network and computer support of the work process. That incremental work-process support is the enabler of our second transformation -- that being the decomposition of applications into services.

Read the rest of the article here.


About the Author(s)

Tom Nolle

President & Founder, CIMI Corporation

Tom is a software engineer and architect with more than 30 years experience in telecommunications and network technology. He has been an independent consultant specializing in telecom, datacomm, media, technology, market forecasting, and regulatory policy analysis since 1979, and CEO of CIMI Corporation since 1982. Tom writes regularly for No Jitter and multiple TechTarget publications, and publishes his own public blog dedicated to telecom, media, and technology strategy professionals. He also creates a series of reports on technology, market, and economic conditions. Most recently, Tom launched CloudNFV, a multi-vendor initiative the ETSI standard for Network Functions Virtualization using principles of cloud computing and the Telemanagement Forum's GB922 Services domain, which grew to become the ExperiaSphere open source management and orchestration project.

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