Standards Watch: WS-TX

Members of the OASIS international standards consortium announced plans to define a set of protocols for coordinating the outcome of distributed application actions. The new OASIS Web Services Transaction(WS-TX) Technical Committee brings together users and vendors in an open process...

October 14, 2005

1 Min Read
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Members of the OASIS international standards consortium announced plans to define a set of protocols for coordinating the outcome of distributed application actions. The new OASIS Web Services Transaction(WS-TX) Technical Committee brings together users and vendors in an open process to refine and finalize a set of specifications based on three initial contributions, Web Services Coordination (WS-Coordination), Atomic Transaction (WS-AtomicTransaction), and Business Activity Framework (WS-BusinessActivity). Other contributions and changes to these input documents will be accepted for consideration without prejudice or restriction and evaluated based on technical merit.The Committee plans to begin its work by focusing on the underlying specification, WS-Coordination. It will then proceed to advance WS-AtomicTransaction and WS-BusinessActivity.Organizations involved in defining this standard:

  • Actional

  • Adobe

  • BEA Systems

  • Cast Iron Systems

  • DataPower

  • Fujitsu

  • Hitachi

  • IBM

  • IONA

  • Microsoft

  • Oracle

  • Reactivity

  • Ricoh

  • SAP

  • SOA Software

  • Sonic Software

  • Systinet


  • webMethods

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