BT Buys CounterpaneBT Buys Counterpane
BT today announced that it has acquired Counterpane Internet Security
October 25, 2006

LONDON -- BT today announced that it has acquired Counterpane Internet Security Inc.("Counterpane"), a leading provider of managed networked security services, as part of its strategy to expand and develop its global professional services capabilities.
Counterpane currently monitors 550 networks worldwide for multinational and Fortune 100 customers. The company is based in Mountain View, California.Post-acquisition, Bruce Schneier, the founder of the company, will continue in his role as CTO and Paul Stich will remain its CEO.
Andy Green, CEO BT Global Services, said: "Counterpane is a welcome addition to BT's global professional services community. As more and more of our customers seek to exploit the opportunities of globalisation, we are finding that increasingly business critical applications are dependent upon the resilience and security of their infrastructure."
BT Group plc (NYSE: BT; London: BTA)
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