A NAC-Tastic Podcast

In this podcast, Mike Fratto and other Security Experts discuss the NAC landscape and where products are in development.

Mike Fratto

September 19, 2007

1 Min Read
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In a previous installment of Alan Shimel's NAC-tacular podcast series, Michelle McLean of Consentry observed that the press is often covering technology one and a half to two years before enterprises are ready to deploy. So Shimel decided to get three press folks together, myself, Matt Hines from InfoWorld, and Joel Snyder, who in addition to consulting, writes for Network World and Information Security magazine, to discuss the NAC landscape, where products are, the features that are available and those that are missing which in a more relaxed venue than stuffy old print. Of course you could hold on to this for two years and be up to speed. :) You can get the podcast on iTunes (search for StillSecure) or grab the mp3 here.

About the Author(s)

Mike Fratto

Former Network Computing Editor

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