The Federation (Identity)

Tonight's podcast is about identity federation, and especially about IBM's latest announcements on the topic. Last week I had a chance to talk via phone with Joe Anthony of IBM, and he shared some of the thinkgs that he sees...

May 18, 2005

1 Min Read
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Tonight's podcast is about identity federation, and especially about IBM's latest announcements on the topic. Last week I had a chance to talk via phone with Joe Anthony of IBM, and he shared some of the thinkgs that he sees in the developing identity federation market. Now, I've seen enough people struggling with multiple computer-based identities to know that identity federation is coming, and ultimately coming in a big way. But I've also covered enough exploits and thefts to be more than a little apprehensive about pulling more and more identity value into data stores that we haven't learned how to--or been willing to--make truly secure from unauthorized access. If all the laws, regulations, and industry rules aren't enough to convince us to get serious about all forms of identity security, the knowledge that a single break-in could affect multiple corporations and a cascading universe of users should be the spur we need. Take a listen to the podcast and let me know what you think. Is your organization already implementing identity federation? I'd be very interested in hearing a real success story or two.

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