Flushing NemoFlushing Nemo
I know this has very little to do with technology, but there's a movement afoot requiring that someone speak out. Apparently small children (and I'm sure some adults) have taken the premise of this summer's "Finding Nemo" a little too...
October 1, 2003
I know this has very little to do with technology, but there's a movement afoot requiring that someone speak out. Apparently small children (and I'm sure some adults) have taken the premise of this summer's "Finding Nemo" a little too seriously. According to AP writer Joseph B. Verrengia,
As the American summer blockbuster "Finding Nemo" surfaces on European movie screens, conservationists are beseeching fish hobbyists: Don't flush!
Inspired by the adventures of the animated clownfish character -- including his unlikely escape down a dentist's spit sink -- conservationists say hundreds of children have flushed their pet fish down the toilet, hoping to free them.
Obviously there will be no shortage of future stars for MTV's Jackass.
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