Composite Applications - Really.Composite Applications - Really.
Composite Software, one of our 2005 Well Connected Award winners, has not been resting on its laurels. Composite recently introduced its Composite Application Views, which can communicate directly with Siebel and SAP APIs (PeopleSoft is expected to be supported later...
May 25, 2005

Composite Software, one of our 2005 Well Connected Award winners, has not been resting on its laurels. Composite recently introduced its Composite Application Views, which can communicate directly with Siebel and SAP APIs (PeopleSoft is expected to be supported later this year) and expose application data as standard relational views, which can then be easily manipulated in Composite's modeling tool and joined to other enterprise information sources. While SAP and Siebel store application data in a relational database, the schemas are cryptic, which keeps the data locked away from BI and reporting tools and requires extensive knowledge of product specific APIs in order to integrate the data with custom applications.
By using those APIs and exposing the data as standard relational views, Composite has unlocked the data and gives developers the ability to integrate the data into other applications, including write-back capabilities.
This is a huge leap forward in the Enterprise Information Integration space, as it moves beyond the traditional inclusion of structured and unstructured data and into the application space.The Composite Developer Zone provides a trial version of the Composite Information Server, so you can check it out yourself.
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