VMware Delivers ACE 2 Enterprise

VMware announced the general availability of VMware ACE 2 Enterprise edition

May 16, 2007

1 Min Read
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PALO ALTO, Calif. -- VMware, Inc., the global leader in software for industry-standard virtualized desktops and servers, today announced the general availability of VMware ACE 2 Enterprise edition. VMware ACE is a breakthrough product that enables IT desktop managers to create a standard PC environment including operating system, data and applications, wrap it with IT policies to protect the contents, package it into a virtual machine and deploy it to any managed or unmanaged licensed PC client.

The second generation, VMware ACE 2 Enterprise edition, is designed to deliver the only highly controlled and easily managed enterprise-class virtualization product for deploying desktops to any PC, providing a rich virtual desktop environment to end users while maintaining the control required by the governing IT organization. The product also features Pocket ACE, which enables deployment of a full-featured desktop virtual machine to a portable media device such as a USB flash drive, portable hard drive or Apple iPod. End users can then securely access their standard corporate desktop from nearly any other client machine, from home laptops to business center PCs.

"VMware ACE 2 Enterprise edition is a value-add to IT organizations because it allows desktop administrators to accommodate the increasing number of workers who use personal computers for work-related purposes," said Jerry Chen, director of enterprise desktop platforms and solutions at VMware. "By offering the ability to distribute managed and controlled 'virtual laptops' that can be deployed anywhere, VMware ACE enables administrators to avoid investments in new hardware while keeping pace with a workforce that is increasingly moving outside traditional managed IT environments."

VMware Inc.

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