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Cloud Storage Status Check: Page 2 of 2

From there, service providers are going to take these infrastructures and run with them. We are beginning to see separation in this area as well. has adopted almost a Facebook-type model to collaboration, where Soonr has leveraged its backup capabilities to get your data to the cloud automatically, then allows you to share or stream content based on use. Dropbox and SpiderOak have developed very strong multi-platform backup and sync agents that stay out of your way and just syncs and enables sharing.

In the sharing space there is a need to improve the check in/check out status of a file. I want to know instantly who is working on what. In streaming, I want to know who is streaming a file, how long they watched that file and provide a place for comments or questions as they watch it.

The cloud storage and cloud service markets are so robust there are hundreds if not thousands of offerings here, and the fact that I didn't mention a product doesn't mean that they are not viable, just that I either don't know them or I forgot. I'm sure I'll be getting emails from all the ones I left out.

The point though is that cloud storage is beginning to become segmented into specific use cases and each of those use cases make sense and are made better because of the cloud.