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2003 Survivor's Guide to Infrastructure: Page 15 of 22

With VoIP, you can have an IP phone without having to mess with power adapters. An even bigger advantage is that you can provide battery backup for all the devices from a more central location like a wiring closet. Just plan on investing in UPSs to get the full benefit.

The IEEE 802.3af standard, which defines power over Ethernet, should be approved some time in the spring of 2003. Make sure you don't invest in any switching equipment that supplies power over Ethernet unless the vendor gives you something in writing that guarantees a full replacement if it isn't interoperable with the upcoming standard. You should also be watching for a new MIB from the IETF that will provide a standardized way of monitoring power status using SNMP management software. If you're thinking about VoIP, you should consider putting in 802.3af-capable switches.