FS-ISAC Selects MessageOne

Financial services consortium created by presidential directiveselects MessageOne for emergency notification

August 28, 2007

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AUSTIN, Texas -- MessageOne(www.messageone.com) today announced it has been selected by theFinancial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC)to offer the AlertFind emergency notification service to a membershipof more than 4,000 financial institutions. Since signing on as acustomer six months ago, FS-ISAC has utilized AlertFind tocommunicate urgent security information to its members. Extendingthe relationship will make it easier for financial services memberorganizations to protect employees.

Immediate Notification of Threats

Launched in 1999 by a presidential directive to secure U.S.resources, FS-ISAC works with the nation's largest financial servicesinstitutions and the U.S. Treasury to be the single source of timely,accurate physical and cyber security information. The FS-ISACfilters through and shares information from financial servicesproviders, commercial security firms, federal, state and localgovernment agencies, law enforcement and other trusted resources tominimize the impact of any threat for its members. When there is athreat or emergency, including natural disasters, coordinated cyberattacks, disease outbreaks or specific acts of terrorism, FS-ISACuses AlertFind to help protect the critical U.S. infrastructure.

Given the urgent nature of FS-ISAC's mission, AlertFind's two-waycommunications capability is critical for saving lives and protectingassets in an emergency. AlertFind enables customers, like theFS-ISAC, to instantly contact thousands of employees or members todeliver important messages using individual's preferred method ofcommunication (e.g., cell phone, email, home phone, etc.). Thesystem, which can tell the difference between a real person andvoicemail, is able to deliver a spoken electronic or recorded messageand even ask questions such as, "Are you okay?"

The Importance of a Platform for Communications"Since financial service organizations can be a target for a varietyof different cyber and physical threats, the ability to shareinformation immediately through an automated, two-way system willempower our members with the facts they need to help keep U.S.infrastructure safe," said Bill Nelson, president and CEO forFS-ISAC. "Specific cyber threats from overseas, organized crimeunits, intense weather conditions that have crippled cities andregional power outages are just a few recent events that can have areal impact on our members. AlertFind enables us to easilycommunicate whenever one or all of our members might be affected by athreat or emergency."


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