Finish Picks Max-T Sledgehammer

Finish in Boston has purchased a second Sledgehammer system from Maximum Throughput

April 11, 2007

2 Min Read
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MONTREAL -- Maximum Throughput Inc. (, developers of ultra high performance software-based solutions for networked storage infrastructure and media management, announced today that Finish in Boston, MA has purchased a second Sledgehammer system as they transition to a fully tapeless, data centric workflow.

Founded in 1994 as a full service post production house, Finish recently decided that it was time to update their capabilities to meet new and expanding technology. Knowing the benefits of working non-linear, they wanted to extend this workflow to all aspects of the facility.

Bruce Bolden, Senior Colorist at Finish had the following to say. We spent a good amount of time exploring options to acquire high resolution images from film. We also wanted to break away from the traditional telecine workflow. So, the decision was made to scan film at 2k and 4k or even 6k if needed. Video has become a delivery format, and the Sledgehammer helps us bridge the video and data worlds. It can integrate with a film scanner as easily as it does with our current telecine. Regardless of other tools, we knew the Sledge was the right system for us to offer virtual telecine sessions along with a range of options for the delivery of dailies transfers.”

Finish’s approach to solving the video/data divide will be to scan all film as 2k/4k data thus providing the highest quality source material for all projects. “Since Sledgehammer is a real-time, any format to any format capable system, we plan on scanning at 2k, and then using Sledgehammer to size the material and generate any format the customer needs. For commercial grading sessions, our DaVinci 2kPlus will be set to output and monitor duel-link HD444 while source material plays back from 2k scans off of the Sledge. We see this as the way all color grading will be done in the future. These are exciting times, and we’re very happy with the cutting edge capabilities that Sledgehammer brings to the facility.” continued Bolden.

John Miller, Max-T’s Vice President of Worldwide Sales had the following to say on the purchase, “We are extremely pleased that Finish has integrated Sledgehammer so deeply into their new data centric workflow. This is precisely the type of post house of the future that we’re striving to support.”Maximum Throughput Inc. (Max-T)

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