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2003 Survivor's Guide to Infrastructure: Page 11 of 22

3Q02 Market Leaders Gigabit Ethernet

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Many organizations have discovered the benefit of packet shapers. This technology makes creative use of the TCP protocol to impact the behavior of packets before they arrive on the network. This is different than QoS implemented in a switch or router, which can control only the priority as traffic passes through the device. Although you pay for the incoming bandwidth, you wouldn't be able to control the traffic that comes down your Internet pipe unless you implement QoS in the router at your ISP's point of presence. Devices from Packeteer and Sitara Networks can send TCP flow-control messages to the source to slow its rate of transmission before it even gets in your incoming Internet pipe. These devices also tend to be much better at looking beyond port numbers to identify applications, a critical function as there is otherwise nothing to stop an application from hiding inside Port 80, for example. In addition, they come with substantial reporting capabilities, making this a technology you should be taking a serious look at, especially for expensive Internet and wide area connections.

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