"Actual" lines of SCO-owned source code found in Linux; Hacker Stickers; SCO: The Album

"Actual" lines of SCO-owned source code found in Linux; Hacker Stickers; SCO: The Album

March 12, 2004

8 Min Read
NetworkComputing logo in a gray background | NetworkComputing

In honor of DJ Danger Mouse's recent Grey Album, which combines samples from Jay-Z's The Black Album and the Beatles' The White Album, we've made a little remix of our own, combining verbal riffs from SCO and its opponents. So grab your RealPlayer and a refined sense of humor and hear the roar of litigation as only Victoria, Bubbles and Boing can make it sound.
Track #1. Making the Case: mp3, ogg, Real (stream)

Track #2. White Noise: mp3, ogg, Real (stream)

Mixed with Steve Dekorte's excellent Mix 0.3. You are welcome to download our complete set of sound samples (952k zip) and spin your own mix.

If you want to be a hacker, you ought to look the part. To embrace the dark side, skip the penguin mints, stop by Hacker Stickers (www.hackerstickers.com) and pick up the proper visual cue for your notebook, PDA or desktop phreak-machine. There are plenty to choose from, but in honor of those who have been wrongfully accused of deviant behavior (you know who you are), we created a special "Brazil"-esque sticker logo. Download our hi-res rendition (612k) and commission actual stickers.

Find more Last Mile items and submit your entries for upcoming issues at www.nwc.com/top11/.For your perverted pleasure, we present to you the full list of submissions to our Top 11 List:Bill Hagen

/*  OK, we'll put this code back the way it was before we
 changed it thetime before last. */


Jeffrey Stratton

 *i++;    // Copyright and patented 2002 SCO Group


Samuel Stetler

--/** Copyright ? 1996 SCO */


Paul Sampsonis

/** Disregard the following lines of code */


David G. Miller

Gratuitous example of SCO-owned source in Linux:-- quote --
--end quote --
(SCO owns the copyright on whitespace so there are thousands of lineslike this blatantly copied from Unix to Linux)


Daniel Herrin

/* sySCOn  *//* iSCOmsec *//* SCOpeux *//* our name is all over this code so we don't need to add copy wrightlines to it */

John Martin

/** Okay, so, I'm entering this code for free, like, but if you want touse this subroutine, you should know that you could be subject to apotential lawsuit sometime in the future by anyone claiming it as hisown, possibly including me if I get myself into some real seriousfinancial trouble, or start losing customers to cheap competition, yousee; so if you use this subroutine, then you should be aware of thefollowing LEGAL DISCLAIMER.....  */


Dan Kwitchen

/** end */


Jonathan Feldman

printf ('login: ');


Eric Werme

if (flag)  /* Test flag */


Drew Hunt

/** Proud recipient of RIAA's "Litigant of the Year Award". */


Chaz Calhoun

--/** here's the BSD code we plan to claim as ours later... */


Bill Bray

10 REM Display message20 PRINT "Hello, world!"


Tom Obright

 This does not have to do with Linux code, but the December 16th issue ofthe magazine.  Under the heading of deja-vous, if you look at page 45you will see a picture of server room complete with brunette in a redblouse.  If you look 4 pages later to page 49, behold the same brunettein a red blouse, but more in focus this time.  Trouble is... the photois in an ad for two different firms, Landesk and Global Crossing.  Aquick check of their websites finds them to have nothing in common, likeownership.  So... did both firms use the same stock photo for their ads,or do they share the same advertising firm.  Only time and red faceswill tell.

Nick NIelsen

/** This code does the job so much better than anything I couldwrite...just hope SCO doesn't find it! */


Warren Trimble

/*                        */


Jeff Rader

DOS? Like that'll go anywhere...


Wayne Maurer

/* the following belongs to the NFL, any reuse is forbidden withoutwritten consent of the NFL *//* this code sorts data *//* SCO Group Rulez */
/* the following code doesn't do anything but was inserted by SCO Groupto prove it owns the code */
/* the following code was copied from UNIX - Linus Torvalds*/


Mark Jass

-- /** Hello World! Copyright 1945 by The SCO Group */  


Joe Kabbes

while(true) {

Steven Barron Grafing

../** Cruzers rule, lamerz drool */


Steven Barron Grafing

 -- /** Beam me up, SCOtty */


Bill Ward

if (x>y) then-------------------------/* Copywrite Darl McBride *//* My first program       */#include main(){    printf("Hello World!");}-----------------------/* Released under the GPL */


Steven Barron Grafing

-- /** this space reserved for legal dept. */


Rick Burke

++i;Below is the result of your feedback form.


Steven Barron Grafing

-- /** this stuph is intalecshul propurty */


Brian McNett

--/**  Copyright 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992,  1993,1994 The Regents of the University of California. All  rights reserved.*/


Martin Fryer

/** This software code is copyright 2000 SCOAny unauthorized copy in part or in whole is prohibited **/void main(){}

Brad Rodriguez

pi = 3.1416; /* Copyright (c) 2003 SCO Group Inc. */


Chris Lee

void main(void){


tony ryan

while (1) {   spew.fud();}


Michael "Soruk" McConnell

}(Don't tell me there isn't a } in SCO's source code ;-)
OK, how about:



* -- /** Scoff at this Linus :-P */

Steven Fernandez

/* this function accepts a variable named SCOre,  just so that codediSCOverers can claim thiS COde came from uS CO we would linke all thoseopen source SCOundrels to die with diSCOmfort when thiS COmmentregisters a high 'SCO' count */


Jos Hulzink

/* Copyright 1997, Linus Torvalds^W^WSCO */


Pieter Bruinsma

 * -- /** Scoff at this Cox :-P  - Linus */



/** (c) L. Torvalds 1991 **/


Ingbert Grimpe

/* Note to myself: Don't forget to remove this BSD license stuffeverywhere. I'll claim it to be my own work of four weeks and cancontinue to play PONG */

Anssi Salakka

/** Following code is copyright of Santa Cruz Operations (SCO)... nowait... following code is copyright of Caldera Inc. ...no wait...following code is copyright of SCO... (but don't tell anyone it isactually public domain from early 70s...) **/


Ulrich Leguin

/* SCO's reserved placeholder for future lawsuits*/





Xander Lebrun

-- /** God this is boring. Why didn't I study law? Heyyy... now there'san idea... */


Ronald Trip

-- /** Copyright, Caldera International Inc. This code is licensed underthe GNU General Public License*/

Nils Martin Fredriksen

/** It's in UNIX, so it must be SCO property! **/i++


Sean Ellis

/* Change log: Copyright text added 1/1/2004 */


Johannes Schindelin


Bernard Sumption



Dale Higgs

My entry:  Here goes.  Ready?}


Lance Boyle

/* Example of code removed for fear of SCO lawsuit */


/* Copyright 1989-1995 Novell */


John Baker

(int i=0; i<="" pre="">
Morten K. Poulsen
Line 1, 8, 12, 14-16 and 19 in/usr/src/linux/COPYING is clearly stolen from UNIX.


Chris Aubuchon

/** XXX - FIXME */


Deven T. Corzine

Bob Weber
/**    hello world     *//**                    *//** Copyright 2004 SCO */#include int main(){printf("Hello World");return 0;}


James Cammarata
while(1){ sue(); }


Steve Kuervers
print ("Hello World");

Neil Weisenfeld

 #if 0...#endif


Tim Jackson
printf (" Hello World!");


J. Geene
--/** I KNEW IT! It's all part of the Microsoft kernel! */START:  NOP         JMP START


Phil Buescher

Ben Hergert
/** 5C0 r0x0r5 *//** Maybe we should get one of those software patent thingys in Europe*/


Bobby Parker
/** There is no more than 1 way  to skin a cat - see below */


Bobby Parker
/** All your code are belong to Darl */


David Richardson
 #include  /* Lord High Zarbog said to put this in so hischildren can rule the world */


Joe D
printf("Hello world!n");

Sean Tobin
#include stdio.h


Sean Tobin
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {


Richard Bowers


rob smith
I've found some actual SCO owned code:**************************/* this program doesn't do anything but waste a lot of time and piss-offthe whole world but what else can you do when you have nothing to offer.copyright SCO INC. */
#include #include 
int main (null,void,end_of_game){      printf ("Ummmmmmm ah well umn");      return 0;}




Matthew Hagberg
#define SIX    6

Ben Howard
 /* Copyright pending outcome of SCO v. Novell; this comment, (C) 2004SCO Group */


Matthew Baker
/* We are miserable poor guys... *//* What does this do again? *//* Maybe we should update this */


A Kameswaran
do{  Customer.sue()} while (legalFees >= revenue);


Asif Idtell
#define SCO for(#define Darl     )#define is     =#define dumb#define as#define a#define sack#define of#define hammers

Thorn Ydieresis
/*  Copyright (C) 1991, 1992  Linus Torvalds */


Eric Pree
return 0;


jimmy rimmer
/* WARNING:  hack follows, replace and re-write later */


Ian R. Justman
 /* Copyright (C) Linus Torvalds */



/* Copyright (C) IBM */

Kristoffer W. S?rensen
-- /** Can we verbatim this to UnixWare and the SysV code base? */-- /** (C) SCO, April 1, 2003 */


Carl Goodwin
#assert  fraudulently;


Eric Pedersen

--/** All your code are belong to SCO */


 /** STOP SCOlding, start coding (and don't forget to turn the Caps-Lockoff! **/


Colin Dearborn
/** This code from my old university textbook. */

Juan Casares
int i;


Jeffrey Hill
/*  (c) Univeristy of California Berkeley Regents. */


Stewart Wilson
/* C code    C Code run    Run code, run!    Please? */


Lupe Christoph
(that's an empty line)

Paul Clark
char *targets[] = { "IBM", "Novell", "Red Hat" };char **p;for(p=targets; *p; p++) sue(*p);// PS.  The bug is deliberate!


Bruce  Campbell
--/** The following code came from God.  He said we could have it.Yeah, that's it!  That's the ticket!*/


Erik Dauplaise
10 X = 120 X = X + 130 TYPE X40 GOTO 20


Matt Crawford
 1. /** Not sure how, but it works. */2. /** Copied from my CompSci text book */


Paul Dragovich
-- /** This is mine now; I took freeware and put my name on it. */


Cal Ruby
 -- /** this space left intentionally blank (for future lawsuits). */


Dan O'Neill

/**code?  we don't need no stinkin' code!*/


Kevin L. Sitze
/** Mine!  Mine!  It's all mine! */int open(const char *path, int oflag, /* mode_t mode */ ...);

/** This counts from 0 to 9**/for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {   /* FIXME: I have no ideia */   /* about what to put here */}


Darl McBride
/** Begin Berkl, er, SCO Code here   **/


Gene Brown
 /** seineew era sremmargorp tfosorcim **/


Tim Swanson
-/** see tux, see tux run, run tux run */-/** here be dragons, rar! */
-/** strange things are afoot at the Circle-K */


Bill Anderson
/* This is a Comment -- Copyright 2004-1904 */
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