VeriSign Service Catalogs Business Cyber Threats

VeriSign launches Security Risk Profiling Service, a service that is designed to help businesses pinpoint vulnerable parts of a their digital infrastructures.

March 22, 2006

1 Min Read
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VeriSign on Tuesday launched a new service that pinpoints vulnerable parts of a business's digital infrastructure.

The Security Risk Profiling Service delves down to the device level -- looking at firewalls, routers, and vulnerability management systems -- and fingers the threats to the network and its vulnerabilities, then cranks out a risk score at the device-, business unit-, or enterprise-level.

Using technology from Skybox Security, a privately-held San Jose, Calif. company, the profiling service provides a complete map of all network assets, runs vulnerability simulation models, and analyzes the data before generating risk scores from a matrix.

VeriSign will also monitor the network for developing threats and provide early warnings via its iDefense security intelligence arm.

"Organizations currently pull available information manually from disparate systems. A service such as VeriSign's can assist in automating the collection and presentation of vital intelligence and support proactive risk and compliance decisions," said Allan Carey, an IDC analyst, in a statement accompanying the service's launch.The service is available immediately. More information is available on the VeriSign site.

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