Caption This & Win A Free Interop PassCaption This & Win A Free Interop Pass
You could attend Interop Las Vegas for FREE this May. Simply craft a clever caption for our cartoon.
March 14, 2016
March is upon us, and here at Network Computing that means the countdown has begun for Interop Las Vegas 2106, our sister event. This year marks Interop's 30th anniversary, and we're gearing up for the best event ever, featuring more than 125 sessions and workshops, special programs from many of our expert contributors, and keynotes by IT leaders from companies like Google, Walmart, Clorox, and the Sacramento Kings.
The only thing missing is you! But if you play your cards right (and we are talking about Vegas, after all) you can score a conference pass for the entire week of education, from May 2 to 6 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center.
Our cartoonist has penned an illustration just waiting for your witty subtitles. Start putting those clever minds to work, and submit your caption in the comments below.
Our panel of Network Computing editors and Interop speakers will select the lucky winner from the submissions. We're also soliciting help from the community: You can vote for your favorites by clicking on the "thumbs up" icon directly below the comment.
The contest closes March 25. Click here for additional contest rules. We'll announce the winner on March 28 and provide the victor with a code to register for Interop. Note that travel and expenses are not included.
Happy caption crafting!
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