AutoVirt Unveils Site Survey Tool

AutoVirt solutions help IT management meet 'green' objectives

March 3, 2009

2 Min Read
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NASHUA, N.H. -- AutoVirt, Inc., the leading provider of Windows data migration solutions, today announced the release of its AutoMap site survey tool. The new software is intended to help customers discover under and over utilized Windows file server and network attached storage (NAS) resources, in physical, virtualized and mixed environments. Once identified, customers are able to fine-tune these assets and defer additional server and NAS purchases.

“The digital universe is exploding. In fact, it is expected to grow to well over 1,000 exabytes1 within the next three-to-four years,” said James Baker, research manager, storage software, IDC. “With the majority of this growth coming from unstructured file data, it should come as no surprise that we are seeing an epidemic of over-provisioning of resources as IT management executives struggle to maintain control -- resulting in huge capital and operational expenses to the organization. AutoVirt's AutoMap will help IT Managers alleviate this pain by identifying challenged resources, thus allowing them to reallocate their data across all available storage assets.”

“Due to the relentless growth of unstructured file data it has become increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to effectively manage Windows file server and NAS resources. Many IT organizations have had little choice but to consistently over-provision in an attempt to keep their head above water. Consequently, today’s IT organizations are experiencing server and storage utilization rates as low as just 20% and 30%, respectively,” said Klavs Landberg, founder and CTO, AutoVirt. “AutoVirt AutoMap provides an ideal step in the right direction. Within minutes of deployment, a report will be generated detailing all hardware/software assets and associated utilization statistics, as well as a comprehensive networked shares map. With this information in hand, customers can fine tune assets, increase utilization and fully maximize infrastructure value.”


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