Would You Get Hooked By A Phisher? Test Your SmartsWould You Get Hooked By A Phisher? Test Your Smarts
Think you're too smart to get duped by a phishing scam? Are you absolutely certain you'd be able to recognize an authentic site from a scam? The Anti-virus experts at McAfee aren't as convinced and so they've set up an...
July 20, 2007

Think you're too smart to get duped by a phishing scam? Are you absolutely certain you'd be able to recognize an authentic site from a scam? The Anti-virus experts at McAfee aren't as convinced and so they've set up an extremely interesting interactive quiz. The test consists of ten questions, eight of which include screenshots of both a real version of a website and a phisher's dupe. All you have to do is click on which one you believe is the valid site. At the end of the test you'll get your score. I won't tell you my results, but needless to say I was somewhat embarrassed. Take the test and then come back and post in our comments how well you did.
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