Web Analytics Test Criteria

Thanks to all of you who submitted your criteria weightings for Bruce Boardman's Web Analytic Products, published here on August 5th. We had 101 responses, organized below as percentages of

August 1, 2004

3 Min Read
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Visitor Info


Connection speed5%Resolution2%Color pallet0%Country location of visitors7%Return Visitor31%Frequency of visits36%Pages per visit - Avg/min/max16%Days between visits1%

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Site Overview

Page views over time5%Pages viewers by category ie. URL, Group of URLs, Directory, Group of sites on a web site26%Referring sites and url26%Efficiency of search engine key word buys22%Overview Reports - partitioned and sorted by group/site - sub group/site - inter group/site15%IP or AS number by category ie URL - Visitor - Visits4%Error reporting2%IP Information IP sorts - Group, Site, URL, Visitor, Visits73%IP resolution to Host27%

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IP Information

IP sorts - Group, Site, URL, Visitor, Visits73%IP resolution to Host27%

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Path/Navigation Analysis

Path determination - by business group/site - by inter group/site - by sub group/site7%

Path metrics - page view by steps - number of session14%Defined path effectiveness - Why or why not29%Defined path effectiveness compared between successful and failing paths20%Undefined path detection - From where to where - Why?10%Intra site tending - by page, by user, by article, by product etc1%Site navigation queries - by entrance, exit, unique visitor etc?12%Graphic view of page utilization by groups of users - What browsers are supported2%Internet Search Terms7%What terms most commonly lead to successful experience (purchase / finding info)17%

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E-commerce/content Analysis

Most valuable customers22%

Sources for most valuable customers22%Uniquely id customers9%Follow up with targeted uniquely ID-ed customers3%What users spend the most time on the site?12%Product purchase12%Cross selling opportunities2%

Merchandising analysis6%User tracking for follow up campaigns10%

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Security including delegated access control15%Security integration into directory services3%Security access and policy audit reports3%Group creation - ease of - delegation thereof7%Group flexibility - hierarchal, organizational, geographical - inter domain etc?11%Change flexibility - services may be more difficult to make changes to.8%Sarbanes Oxley compliance2%Data feeds in and out11%3rd party integration - CRM - Content - EAI etc.34%

Number of concurrent consoles / users6%

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Training and Support

Cost of support calls and support contracts31%Cost of training10%Documentation - online - ease of use etc?59%

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Report Writer

Historical reporting - day to day, week to week, month to month - year to year etc.15%Historical granularity - daily for how long - wkly for how long etc?4%Report segmentation - business group/activity/site5%Multi-dimensional reporting capabilities26%Publication options - Email links, Email text, public pages, excel etc?2%Scheduling - frequency, calendar4%Data currency - real time, delay?2%Ad hoc reporting - whatever whenever38%Report rendering speed3%

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Browser1%IP Addresses2%Marketing Campaigns on Partner and Affiliate Sites17%Page views6%Parameter Analysis9%Referrers6%

Scenario Analysis29%Search Engines10%Top Level Report2%Top Urls3%Visits/visitors14%

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