War Flying, now that's getting somewhereWar Flying, now that's getting somewhere
You can just forget prowling around the neighborhood in your Buick Skylark with a Pringles can hanging out of your window. Those days are officially over, now that Humphrey Cheung from Tom's Hardware has set the bar shall we say...
May 6, 2004

You can just forget prowling around the neighborhood in your Buick Skylark with a Pringles can hanging out of your window. Those days are officially over, now that Humphrey Cheung from Tom's Hardware has set the bar shall we say a bit higher, a couple of hundred feet higher to be exact.
Humphry along with some hacker buddies took to the skies onboard a couple of single-engine cessnas, repleat with off-the-shelf WiFi sniffing equipment. Did they find a few open WAPS? You could say that: from more than 4,500 discovered APs, only 30%of those were locked down via encryption. That's a lot of open windows and doors.
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