Vivisimo to Analyze ForeSeeVivisimo to Analyze ForeSee
Vivisimo to provide advanced analysis of customer satisfaction surveys for ForeSee results
February 22, 2007
PITTSBURGH -- Vivisimo (, a leading provider of enterprise search software and expertise, and ForeSee Results (, the leader in online customer satisfaction management, today announced that Vivisimo Velocity will power ForeSees online analysis of customers’ open text question responses. ForeSee customers want the inclusion of open text or verbatim questions in surveys and Velocity makes it easy to cluster and analyze the results. Vivisimo’s clustered search output shows themes within customer responses and helps solve challenging business issues.
“Velocity is a powerful enhancement to our customer satisfaction analysis,” said Larry S. Freed, president and CEO of ForeSee Results. “We identify where making improvements will have the greatest impact on satisfaction and future behavior. Being able to cluster themes in verbatim survey responses helps us diagnose specific problems and opportunities with far greater specificity and actionability.”
Vivisimo Inc.
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