Reality IT Blog Entries

Hello from the pages of Network Computing Magazine and the Reality IT column. Or rather hello from the IT department of ACME located in Metropolis. This is Hunter Metatek, the author of the Reality IT articles in Network Computing. I...

November 9, 2004

1 Min Read
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Hello from the pages of Network Computing Magazine and the Reality IT column. Or rather hello from the IT department of ACME located in Metropolis. This is Hunter Metatek, the author of the Reality IT articles in Network Computing. I am an enterprise IT director with over 15 years' experience in network engineering and management. The events chronicled in the print column are based in fact--only the names are fiction. The same will be true of this blog.You can see some of my past columns online:- Holey Server, Networkman - Lessons in Vendor Hype- IT Never Sleeps

- The Harsh Reality of Disaster Recovery There are more, just search on Reality IT online at You will see a column every few weeks. Let me know if you have any pain points at work where you want to discuss the issues in this blog through my own experiences, how I can chime in with my anonymous real world examples, and maybe say some things you might not want to be quoted on in a public forum yourself.HUNTER

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