OpenMFG Launches Hybrid Open Source ERP SuiteOpenMFG Launches Hybrid Open Source ERP Suite
OpenMFG LLC will launch this week a hybrid open source enterprise resource planning(ERP) suite. (Courtesy: TechWeb)
February 6, 2006

OpenMFG LLC will launch this week a hybrid open source enterprise resource planning(ERP) suite. The developer says it has integrated credit card processing, financial reporting and integration with package delivery services.
OpenMFG's ERP platform is built on Linux operating system, PostgreSQL database and OpenRPT report writer. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and commercial UNIX systems.
By making the source code available, OpenMFG president and chief executive officer Ned Lilly is confident the software maker can develop a better product.
Available OpenMFG modules include Inventory Management, Product Definition and Costing, Work Order Management, Master Scheduling and MRP, Capacity Planning, Purchase Order Management, Sales Order Management, Shipping and Receiving, Sales Analysis, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and General Ledger.
Marena Group Inc., a 40-employee manufacturer of post-operative garments based in Lawrenceville, Ga., is reviewing the release.
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