Liberty Calls for Nominations

Liberty Alliance announced a call for nominations for the 2007 IDDY Awards

May 9, 2007

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REDWOOD CITY, Calif. -- Liberty Alliance, the global identity consortium working to build a more trusted Internet for consumers, governments and businesses worldwide, today announced a call for nominations for the 2007 IDDY Awards. The IDDY Award (IDentity Deployment of the Year) recognizes identity-based applications built using Liberty Federation, Liberty Web Services, Liberty People Service and Liberty Advanced Client specifications.

This year's call for nominations includes a new Emerging Application category designed to shine a spotlight on the proof-of-concept and next generation identity-based applications leveraging the security, privacy and proven interoperability of Liberty’s open identity standards. The call for 2007 IDDY Award nominations ends on Monday, August 20 with winners announced at DIDW (September 24-26) in San Francisco.

IDDY Award winners are some of the organizations driving over one billion Liberty-enabled identities and devices in the marketplace today. Recipients of the first annual IDDY Awards issued in 2006 were EduTech, deploying Liberty Federation within New York State educational agencies; Deutsche Telekom AG (TCom, Business Unit T-Online), deploying Liberty Federation reaching nearly 12 million customers in Germany; and the UK Government Authentication Gateway, which provides eGovernment services to nearly 8 million citizens.

“With the adoption of Liberty’s open specifications continuing to grow across regions and vertical markets, the IDDY Awards represent the best-of-the-best in digital identity management today,” said Brett McDowell, executive director of the Liberty Alliance. “From SOAs and Web Services to client-based and social networking applications, this year’s Emerging Applications category promises to demonstrate a variety of new Liberty-enabled solutions helping to put users in better control of their online identity information.”

About the 2007 IDDY Awards
The IDDY Awards highlight digital identity management deployments and emerging identity-based services that leverage Liberty specifications. This year’s judges are: Michael Barrett, CISO, PayPal, Inc.; John Fontana, senior editor, Network World; Gerry Gebel, VP & Service Director, Burton Group; Paul Madsen, co-chair of the Liberty Alliance Technology Expert Group and identity standards researcher at NTT; Roger Sullivan, president of Liberty’s Management Board and vice president of Oracle Identity Management; Robin Wilton, co-chair of Liberty’s Public Policy Expert Group and corporate architect at Sun Microsystems; Christine Varney, partner, Hogan & Hartson, Washington, D.C. Individuals and organizations interested in nominating a deployment for the 2007 IDDY Award can apply at

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