IVivity Completes iSCSI Testing
IVivity announced completion of Initiator and Target mode testing of its iDiSX 2000 processor at the UNH-IOL
February 27, 2007
ATLANTA -- iVivity, the leading provider of I/O and application processors, software and custom board solutions, today announced completion of Initiator and Target mode testing of its iDiSX 2000 processor at the University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL). The iDiSX architecture is built using embedded CPUs running Linux and provides customer programmable resources utilizing industry standard tools for Linux with high-level C libraries. UNH-IOL is an independent, vendor-neutral testing center universally recognized as an industry expert in iSCSI. The laboratory’s iSCSI Consortium performs product testing that promotes standards-conformance and interoperability in the storage networking industry.
The iDiSX processor can fully terminate and reissue multiple-protocol traffic at 10Gbps regardless of packet size. Among other uses, this allows the iDiSX to be a full-fledged iSCSI Target and Initiator, providing end-to-end 10Gbps iSCSI connectivity across LANs and SANs. iVivity has been a member of UNH-IOL’s iSCSI consortium for the last three years and has provided UNH-IOL with an iDiSX 2000 processor running iVivity’s embedded Linux 2.6 and robust, field-tested firmware. UNH-IOL has completed all five phases of the iSCSI conformance tests on the iDiSX further validating the iDiSX’s architecture and its software stability as iVivity prepares to release a less expensive, more powerful, yet more power-efficient iDiSX later this year.
“Successfully putting iDiSX 2000 through a highly reputable, independent test lab such as UNH-IOL proves that iVivity has a winning product that is production ready. The UNH test results confirm iVivity’s commitment to producing products that meet or exceed industry standards and are ready to be deployed in customer data centers as well as remote offices” said Steve Meidell, Executive Vice President of Operations at iVivity. “The timing is especially crucial as additional technology is coming to market, driving down the cost and increasing the demand for iSCSI and 10 Gbps while iVivity prepares to release its second generation 1000 series iDiSX processors.”
iVivity Inc.
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