Geek Wish ListGeek Wish List
Thanks to those who have already sent in their holiday geek wish lists. Here are a few of my favorites received thus far. Steve Delahunty wants a Panasonic ToughBook P1 which is Ruggedized and Moisture Resistant, equipped with GPS, Phone...
September 9, 2004

Thanks to those who have already sent in their holiday geek wish lists. Here are a few of my favorites received thus far.
Steve Delahunty wants a Panasonic ToughBook P1 which is Ruggedized and Moisture Resistant, equipped with GPS, Phone and Wireless
Dave Zielinski wants a Dell Axim X30 with its Integrated Wireless + PocketPC 2003 OS
Robert Pritchett wants an Apple iMac G5 20", a 64-bit Supercpomputer
You can submit your own wish list item now for a chance at a 50 buck gift certificate from Amazon. At least you could put it toward your wish list. Good luck. At a minimum, you may end up in our November special issue, Geeks Illustrated. Good luck!
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