Cemaphore Equips ExchangeCemaphore Equips Exchange
Cemaphore Systems is equipping the Microsoft Exchange channel to offer its solutions
March 28, 2007

SAN MATEO, Calif. -- Cemaphore Systems(TM),a leading provider of messaging services management solutions, isequipping the Microsoft Exchange channel to offer its solutions.Cemaphore's flagship product, MailShadow, enables Microsoft Exchangechannel partners to protect all Exchange customers with a disasterrecovery solution affordably priced by the mailbox to meet any needfor disaster recovery.
"Cemaphore is changing the game for Exchange service providers,"notes David Ferris, President, Ferris Research. "Generally, IT firmscharge by the mailbox for email services, and MailShadow deliversassured email continuity by the mailbox, at an affordable price, soit is a perfect match for service providers."
"MailShadow is quickly becoming the solution of choice for highlyconnected organizations who want to ensure Exchange continuity fortheir employees," states James Oliverio, President, Another 9, an ITservices firm dedicated to advancing business uptime. "MailShadowmakes disaster recovery for Exchange affordable, reliable and nearinstantaneous, suitable for any size company or customized need."
Cemaphore Systems Inc.
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