5 Ways Life Would Stink Without IT Professionals5 Ways Life Would Stink Without IT Professionals
What would happen if we suddenly had to live without the help of IT pros? The results could be scary.
September 14, 2015

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Technology has become the lifeblood of our daily routines and productivity, and without it, modern business would be -- well -- much less modern. Indeed, for most, it’s mindboggling to picture life without our precious applications, laptops and mobile devices, not to mention the code, systems and networks they rely on. But more often than not, the IT professionals working tirelesslybehind the scenes to keep all this technology running are overlooked or forgotten. That is, until something is slow or doesn't work right!
We think it’s time to change that. To get things started, SolarWinds has established IT Professionals Day, which will take place on September 15 this year and every third Tuesday of September in the years to come. The idea is to celebrate all IT professionals -- not only system administrators, but network engineers, database administrators, information security professionals, developers, IT support technicians and all others serving in IT-related roles -- as the heroes of modern business.
And to drive home just how important and holiday-worthy IT professionals are, we asked the 130,000 IT professionals in our thwack community what they thought life would be like if one day, all the IT professionals of the world vanished. Here are some of the scariest scenarios they imagined for your reading (and viewing) pleasure.
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