Summer Reading: 10 New Tech BooksSummer Reading: 10 New Tech Books
Looking to learn this summer? Check out these new releases on Docker, network security, and more.
June 14, 2017

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Summer is nearly here, which means the traditional season for vacations is almost upon us. While some may be content to zone out in the sun, IT nerds will be looking to expand their knowledge. After all, an IT career requires constant learning. If you're looking for a book to take to the beach or to pass the time during those long waits at the airport, we've got some ideas.
All of these tech books are new – they were either published this year or are brand-new editions of previously published books. They cover some of the hottest technologies and trends in IT today that were showcased at Interop ITX, including security, containers, DevOps and automation. You'll find books on Python and Docker alongside familiar topics such as packet analysis.
With the rise of cloud, software-defined technologies, and automation, there's a lot to learn. IT roles are rapidly evolving and traditional IT silos are breaking down, so it's important to branch out and learn other technologies. Even if a vacation isn't in your sights this summer, it's always a good time to read and broaden your horizons.
Continue on to check out a selection of new tech books for your reading pleasure.
(Image: Rober Simon Antony/Shutterstock)
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