Sonasoft Debuts Backup App For Microsoft ServersSonasoft Debuts Backup App For Microsoft Servers
New version of SonaSafe provides application-specific, disk-to-disk backup functionality for Microsoft servers.
March 16, 2005

Sonasoft has announced a new version of its SonaSafe backup and recovery software for Microsoft servers.
The new version provides application-specific, disk-to-disk backup functionality specifically for Microsoft servers. Like other SonaSafe products, SonaSafe for Microsoft Servers offers template-driven automation for the whole backup process. In the event of a system failure or disaster, users can recover data to the point-of-failure or any other point in time, in a point-and-click interface.
This ease of use is a central focus of Sonasoft's product pitch and a frequent theme in the company's disaster recover white papers. Its recent disaster recovery whitepaper, for example, notes that SonaSafe, "designed for disk-to-disk backup, automates backup through configurable templates. When things go wrong, users can recover the entire server, database, or mailbox or even a single message with just one click."
SonaSafe centralizes backup and recovery management on multiple remote servers, providing what Sonasoft calls "excellent" compression capabilities. The software recovers data with a single click, simplifying the recovery process and, the company says, improving productivity. Moreover, according to Sonasoft, the ability to perform efficient disk-to-disk backups will reduce IT expenses, and the cost of backup tape.
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