Scalable Deploys Klir AnalyticsScalable Deploys Klir Analytics
Scalable Networks has deployed a private-label version of Klir Analytics to facilitate its growing IT managed services business
February 28, 2007

SEATTLE -- Klir Technologies, Inc., theleading provider of SaaS IT management solutions, today announced thatScalable Networks, Plc, a systems integrator based in London, England, hasdeployed a private-label version of Klir Analytics to facilitate its growingIT managed services business. Klir Analytics provides instant insight intoIT performance reporting, monitoring and analytics for applications,bandwidth, networks and servers through a simple web interface. LeveragingKlir's SaaS platform, Scalable Networks now delivers a branded IT managementsolution to its customers in less than 30 minutes, without upfrontinvestments in hardware, software or agents. At the same time, ScalableNetworks gains visibility and access to data to analyze trends and implementbest practices for all customers simultaneously.
Prior to selecting Klir Analytics, Scalable Networks evaluated severalenterprise software alternatives and even considered developing in-housesolutions. "After six weeks of evaluating our options, we discovered thatKlir offered a solution that could be deployed faster and scale quickly at abetter price point than anything else available," said Denny Meijer,Co-Owner and CTO at Scalable Networks. "More importantly, Klir's SaaSdelivery model allows us to stay focused on value-added services, versusexhausting time on implementation, configuration and maintenance oftraditional applications. Our customers get a lower price point,pay-as-you-go and gain immediate access to valuable data through a ScalableNetworks-branded web interface. It takes us less than 30 minutes to installKlir Analytics for a customer, and we can begin accessing data immediately.I was quite impressed by the simplicity, ease of use and subscription model.We feel that we have selected a valuable technology partner for our businessand customers."
"Klir Analytics is an ideal solution for systems integrators that want toquickly scale their business from a break-fix mode to a recurring managedservices model without a huge upfront investment or taxing internalresources," said James Maiocco, CEO of Klir Technologies. "It is a pleasureto support Scalable Networks'private-label service offering, which leverages Klir's 'behind-the-scenes'high-availability data-center and expert resources. Our interests aremutually aligned, which is to deliver the best value-added solutions toincrease satisfaction and retention of Scalable Networks' customers."
Klir Technologies Inc.
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