RocketStream Boosts SpeedsRocketStream Boosts Speeds

RocketStream boosts speeds for hosted storage and backup services

February 27, 2008

2 Min Read
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SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- RocketStream,Inc., a subsidiary of Voyant International Corporation (OTCBB: VOYT)and a leading provider of digital content delivery acceleration overhigh-bandwidth IP networks, announced today that the company hasbegun partnering with hosted storage and backup service providers todramatically increase the accessibility to these services by endusers.

RocketStream's data transfer acceleration solutions can move filesover IP networks at speeds up to 200 times faster than traditionalfile transfer protocol (FTP). Until now, most users were businessesthat owned the computers at both ends of the transfers. Now, however,hosting companies have begun deploying RocketStream Servers at theirstorage locations and providing RocketStream's client software totheir customers. By integrating RocketStream into their serviceofferings, these companies are providing better service to theircustomers by providing not only storage and backup itself, but alsothe means to access that storage more quickly, securely, reliably andeasily.

Portal Systems, a managed data center service provider in theWashington, D.C., area, rolled out a new RocketStream-enabled serviceto customers last week. Portal Systems is using RocketStream toprovide its clients with managed, accelerated services for offsitebackups, file storage and data synchronization using data centerslocated in Ashburn, Va., and Portland, Maine. "After evaluating manyproducts on the market, the things that most impressed us aboutRocketStream were its speed and its versatility. Being able to useRocketStream for multiple client services is a win for us and a winfor our customers," said David Korte, managing partner of PortalSystems.

Leesburg, Fla.-based Hasbrooke Internet Services is integratingRocketStream into its automated backup services for the small- andmedium-sized business (SMB) market, with launch expected in earlyMarch. "RocketStream's combination of UDP and PDP protocols is uniqueand lets us maximize the connectivity of our customers to our datacenter regardless of the size of those customers," said JohnOhlwiler, vice president and director of sales and marketing atHasbrooke. "Our customers with smaller pipes or firewall-challengedenvironments can use PDP without performing any complex firewallchanges, while our tech-savvy customers with high-data-rateconnections can switch to the reliable UDP setting to move their dataat the highest speeds. Either way, we can provide our customersservice that makes them feel as if they were right next door to us."

RocketStream Inc.

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