No Porn, Please -- We're BritishNo Porn, Please -- We're British
The Brits are at it again -- this time our prim and proper cousins across the pond are proposing a ban on downloading and possessing violent and abusive Internet pornography. Imagine, if you will, the judges who will be required...
August 30, 2005

The Brits are at it again -- this time our prim and proper cousins across the pond are proposing a ban on downloading and possessing violent and abusive Internet pornography.Imagine, if you will, the judges who will be required to weed out the "abusive" pornography from the non-abusive. Lots of sweaty palms behind closed doors, you can be sure.Memo to the Brits: Freedom requires living with ugliness, so leave it alone. There are a lot more dangerous things in the world you need to pay attention to -- like protecting yourselves against terrorist attacks. So put your attention where it's needed, and ignore the Internet sewage. You'll be better off for it.
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