Nexsan Uses Microsoft Tech

Nexsan adopts Microsoft Technologies to enable storage 3.0 solutions & support long-term retention & information protection

March 18, 2008

2 Min Read
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THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. -- Nexsan, a leading provider of energy efficient long-term disk storage, today announced that it is adopting Microsoft technologies to deliver new secure archive storage solutions that support Storage 3.0, a new concept in long-term information storage that helps companies derive significantly increased value from the data.

The Nexsan Storage 3.0 solution is designed specifically to help corporate customers more efficiently and easily manage the exploding amount of unstructured or fixed data and digital content being created every day. This includes information such as email, presentations, business documents, videos and PACS images, as well as the increased amount of information companies must retain to meet compliance regulations like HIPPA and Sarbanes-Oxley.

Market research firm IDC, which formulated the Storage 3.0 concept, forecasts that the amount of information created and stored by businesses will continue to increase by 55-60 percent per year for the next five years, much of which will be fixed data and created using productivity tools and applications like those of Microsoft. Additionally, IDC expects the storage capacity required to store that information to increase tenfold over that same period. The Storage 3.0 concept calls for a standard, intelligent and policy-based platform that revolutionizes prior notions of storing information based on applications or topics and replaces them with techniques for storing information according to its value.

As part of Microsofts commitment to deliver a broad range of partner solutions leveraging the Microsoft Windows Platforms and its associated tools, Microsoft will work with Nexsan to expand the Nexsan Assureon family of archive appliances. The Assureon family of archive appliances are the industry’s only Microsoft .Net-based secure archiving solutions.

“Businesses today are increasingly required by law to save more information than ever before. They must be able to readily retrieve that information at short notice,” said Bala Kasiviswanathan, Director of Storage Solutions Marketing at Microsoft. “Since over 50% of the data is being created by Microsoft applications and productivity tools, Microsoft is pleased to be working with Nexsan as they adopt Microsoft Windows platform and the .Net framework to deliver archiving solutions that meet our customers’ scale, reliability and cost requirements.”Nexsan Technologies Inc.

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