Foundry Demos 10G EthernetFoundry Demos 10G Ethernet
Foundry and the UNH-IOL verify the market-readiness of 10G in the largest multi-vendor 10G unified data and storage fabric ever deployed
October 29, 2007

SANTA CLARA, Calif. and DURHAM, N.H. -- Foundry Networks(r), Inc. (Nasdaq:FDRY), a performance and totalsolutions leader for end-to-end switching and routing, today announceddemonstration of the interoperability and high-performance of its 10gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) routing and switching hardware through keyparticipation in the University of New Hampshire Interoperability Lab's(UNH-IOL) inaugural 10 Gig Tech Summit. As a leading networkingparticipant, Foundry provided a NetIron(r) XMR 8000 backbone router,FastIron(r) Edge X, FastIron GS and FastIron LSdistribution/aggregation and edge compact Layer 2/3 switches. Theseproducts were integral to the largest neutral multi-vendor 10GbEunified data and storage fabric ever implemented.
Held from Sept. 24 to 28, 2007, the 10 Gig Tech Summit was conducted bythe renowned UNH-IOL, one of the industry's most highly regardedneutral third-party proving grounds for network technology. Workingwith nearly 40 companies from throughout the 10GbE industry, theUNH-IOL created the most heterogeneous, public 10GbE network everdeployed. The results verified interoperability between many companiessupplying 10GbE switches, cables, 10GBASE-T data ports and iSCSIstorage devices -- the primary components of a unified fabric usinghigh-performance Ethernet for data and storage in critical data centerand high-end networks. The Summit further established 10GbE as astandard, unifying technology alternative to the current practice ofwiring such networks with a mix of closed and proprietary technologies.
"We were extremely pleased that Foundry chose to be an active andinvolved partner in our inaugural 10 Gig Tech Summit," said BobNoseworthy, technical director for the UNH-IOL. "In addition to sendingthe NetIron XMR backbone router, FastIron Edge X, FastIron GS andFastIron LS switches that were integral to our unified high-performance10GbE network, Foundry went above and beyond by providing anengineering and support team that was available for the entire durationof the event. Through the participation of networking vendors likeFoundry in neutral multi-vendor testing, the interoperability,scalability and performance of 10GbE is shown to be ready for thehigh-end and data center networks."
Foundry Networks Inc.
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