Dwindling High EndDwindling High End
How meaningful is it that Sun has canned 200 employees of its Sparc group?...
April 13, 2006

How meaningful is it that Sun has canned 200 employees of its Sparc group? Probably the answer ranges from "not very" to "very." The layoffs represent about 7 percent of the group's personnel; that's nearly one in 10 employees for Sun's high-end server efforts. Pair that up with a recent Gartner report noting that sales of high-end servers are off and likely to stay that way, and the tea leaves aren't too hard to read: Commodity x86 servers are simply becoming a cheaper, more flexible option for many levels of business. Sun's been fighting that battle for a number of years now and trying as hard as it can to diversify from its proprietary, high-power platforms. These firings are just another acknowledgement of that reality by the company.
So why do other outfits keep pushing the high end? Rapport, a startup that says it has customers already, is readying a processor with 256 cores for release next year. Can you say compute-intensive? I thought so. The fact is, there's always going to be a market for high-end servers. The vast majority of businesses in any number of fields--biotech and genetics, financial services and trading, automobiles, etc.--will depend on high-end server performance, whether it comes from a supercomputer or from racked, high-performance servers with a lesser footprint. The trick is whether companies making high-end servers can interest businesses farther down the food chain in that kind of performance. That's the space Sun was largely sitting in a few years ago, and the reactions of Sun and other high-end companies such as Unisys and NEC that have pooled their efforts suggest that there's just less business to be had there.
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