Argonne Selects Spectra
5 Year, $7.1M contract for several eight-frame Spectra T950 Enterprise Tape Libraries
January 23, 2008
BOULDER, Colo. -- Spectra Logic, the innovator in data archive and backup, announced today that Argonne National Laboratory (, a Department of Energy National Laboratory, selected its enterprise-level T950 products for a five-year, multiple-unit installation project. The Spectra libraries will store and protect data sent to Argonne's new Chicago-based Leadership Computing Facility, which was purchased to accommodate the Laboratory's growth.
Argonne selected Spectra Logic products after a detailed 12-month search and proposal review, and the first product was installed this month. The eight-frame, 10,050-slot Spectra T950 with LTO-4 tape drives and media was implemented as part of a large, comprehensive project for complete data protection. The Federal laboratory plans to install several more multiple-frame T950 units over the next five years.
"According to a recent ESG survey, 54 percent of Federal Government agencies cited 'keeping pace with the capacity of data to protect' as one of their top data protection challenges," said Heidi Biggar, analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group. "Spectra Logic's T950 allows government entities such as Argonne National Laboratory to accommodate rapidly expanding growth rates easily and cost-effectively."
Spectra Logic Corp.
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