RSA Conference Survivor Kit

The RSA Conference has yet to kick off and already the attendee swag is pouring in. Good PR is not dead at Vernier Networks. Just in time for the show, we received our Survivor kit. The box contained everything an...

February 15, 2005

1 Min Read
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The RSA Conference has yet to kick off and already the attendee swag is pouring in.

survivor-cover-sm.gifGood PR is not dead at Vernier Networks. Just in time for the show, we received our Survivor kit.

survivor-interior-sm.gifThe box contained everything an intrepid attendee needs: meds for our head after a day full of meetings. (more to come), a water bottle to keep us hydrated and also an full bladder endurance test. And what is Survivor without disgusting food? That powerbar is at least as disgusting as a Madagascar hissing cockroach.

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