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The NWC Interivew: John Wood, Founder, Room to Read: Page 4 of 6

You've said you want to be the Microsoft of the charity world. In what sense? And isn't the Gates Foundation already the Microsoft of the charity world?

[Laughs.] They are certainly more well-endowed. I want to run Room to Read with compassion of Mother Theresa but the focus, efficiency and tenacity of a blue-chip company. In my mind we need to have a hybrid solution because in the charity world quite often the results aren't as impressive as they need to be.

We have a model now where we can open a school in Nepal for $11,000. We can build a school library in a place like Cambodia or Laos for $2,000. We can endow a girl's scholarship anywhere in the developing world for about $250 a year.

Do you miss the tech sector? Might you go back some day?

I certainly miss the tech sector around paycheck time! But I love what I do. Like visiting villages in rural Cambodia where the Khmer Rouge, as part of the genocide, burned down the schools and killed the teachers and burned all the books. We are going back and re-opening libraries and giving kids an opportunity to get an education.