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Live from VMworld

This week I will be at VMworld and will be giving ongoing reports of what we see there.

the show seems as busy as last year. The facility is a little smaller
and attendance may be a little lighter but they are expecting between
10,000 and 12,000 people. Look for quick updates, in reverse order,
throughout the week. Updates will also appear at the top of the page.

Akorri provides software
that from a storage perspective supplies intelligence to help IT
professionals the interrelationships between VMware and CPU, memory,
networks and storage. The agentless software helps their users
understand what virtual machines are using which parts of storage or
what the interrelationships are between virtual machines and those
resources that they share. The package helps answer questions where VM
loads are coming from and what guests are causing problems in the
environment. Using this software allows increased VM densities by
understanding how VMs are contending for resources across CPU, memory
and storage.>

The latest release announced at the show
expands the view ESX cluster wide. They added analytics around the
cluster to understand efficiency as well as limits and allows you to
answer these questions; Are you getting what I expected to get? How
often am I running above the limits of the cluster or is there are way
I can bring in more resources into the cluster? How many VMs can I pack
on each ESX host without impacting performance? What is the optimal
size of each VM for each application?

In short, this allows
customers to take those hard to virtualize servers that are log jamming
the virtualization rollout and move to the next stage of
virtualization. This is done by providing analytics that allow users to
understand what the performance needs of these critical servers are and
to show that the performance deliverable after virtualization has been

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