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He Said, She Said: Page 3 of 3

Tech-smart upper management "would be more respected among engineers and technology types, and they would be less susceptible to bulls#$t."

Others provided a quick analysis of those who try to get by by just reading the headlines: Technical expertise is "important for the understanding that technology is complex. Reading Red Herring is not enough."

Extracurricular Work

When we asked which projects you were working on, just about every technology area was represented. The most interesting responses were to the question about unfunded projects. These are what I call the "cost of doing business" projects that always seem to fall off the budget. But despite not having a penny to spend, things still magically get done. Projects like "PKI deployment" and "DNS redesign" But my personal favorite responses to that question were: "job hunting" and the charitable "I don't work on unfunded projects (except this)."

Yup, these are our readers, and we're damn lucky to have them.