My Favorite 404s
In conjunction with our current Last Mile entry, where we asked you to submit your favorite 404 errors, I've created for you a list of my favorite page not found (er) pages. I hope you enjoy them. Special thanks to...
May 22, 2004
In conjunction with our current Last Mile entry, where we asked you to submit your favorite 404 errors, I've created for you a list of my favorite page not found (er) pages. I hope you enjoy them. Special thanks to 404 Research Lab, keepers of the 404 flame.
The Lost Browser -- for all you mud fans out there.
Da Bomb -- For mac lovers only
The Web Page Reduction Act -- Government efficiency at its finest.
Quantum Mechanics -- Don't kill the cat!
Binary Resource Allocation Deficiency -- There are only so many 1s and 0s after all.
It's all gone pear-shaped -- ok, this is my all time favorite.
Roswell Page Abduction -- Watch out for those Roswell Greys!
Earl Not Found! -- For the anonym verbalization impaired.
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