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ACME 2005

With the Survivor's Guide to 2005 NWC issue hot off the presses I wanted to pass on details as to what we are focusing on at ACME in the IT shop for 2005. We have some big multi-year projects still ongoing and some things we started in 2004 as well as new projects for 2005. In the past we made the mistake of approaching budgeting as a "wish list" and then figuring out if we had the staff to execute the projects. This year we took a more realistic approach. Keep reading to see what amazing things we have planned for 2005.
Here are the big areas where we are spending mucho cash in 2005. I will expand on these areas below this list.

-- Security
-- Portal
-- Document Management
-- Disaster Recovery
-- Network / Datacenter
-- Software Development
-- Finance System
-- Windows XP Migration
-- Collaboration

Security. You name it ... we are doing it. An annual audit. Moving to use of a managed security services provider with host based and network intrusion detection. Replacing our firewalls. Log file monitoring app. Installing an anti-virus / content filtering appliance. Penetration test. Installing a desktop firewall protection and spyware detection app centrally managed. Security tokens for use authentication. Reviews of our web architecture. Reverse proxy servers. And more.

Portal. We have been working on our portal project for some time to extend our systems to be access capable by our major customers. This is a multi-year project and we are in year 2 of this in 2005. We will choose our hosting provider for this and go live on the system with initial capabilities. The integration with our CRM and reporting is almost complete. New applications and functions will be added on a scheduled basis.

Document Management. The company has really been needing this to replace our cumbersome use of basic file services. Right now we are installing the servers and are scheduled to have the integrator install the client/server app. The scanners are in place. We will be live on this in early 2005. We may go so far as to use the content management piece of the application we have chosen, to allow us to better manage our website.

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