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CTIA Wireless 2005

Some of you may be heading to the CTIA Wireless 2005 show next week in New Orleans. If so, I may run into you. Like all consultants, I try and combine a show like this with exposure, research on projects I'm doing, and if I can actually earn some money, that's a bonus. So I feel fortunate that I'll be able to teach a half-day course as part of the show's Wireless Data University. My segment is "Wi-Fi and WiMAX in Detail". Given all the knowledgeable people who come to an event like this, it's a bit intimidating to get up there and to try and teach them things they don't already know. I expect the following to be big themes at this show: mobile entertainment (e.g., mobile video, phones with music players, multimegapixel picture/video phones), wireless VoIP, smartphones, 3G services (e.g., EV-DO, HSDPA), Wi-Fi/3G convergence and WiMAX. What an exciting time to be in this industry! I'll let you know next week how things turned out and what caught my attention.