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Our Special Survivors' Guide TechQuiz Results: Page 2 of 4

Which of the following is not an obstacle to business-driven wireless deployment?

1. Confusion about offerings
2. Concerns about security
3. GPRS intergration

4. Sparse coverage
Correct: 56 percent

Which of the following is NOT an access protocol for Enterprise Information Integration platforms?

2. XML over HTTP
Correct: 39 percent

Which proof of concept code was the first exploit built for the Pocket PC platform?

1. WinXP.6.ButzC
2. Backdoor.Rbot.gen
3. Mosquit
4. WinCE4.Duts.A
Correct: 44 percent

The biggest vulnerability to outsourcing VoIP implementation is:

1. Relinquishing control over VoIP Security
2. Losing connectivity with the provider

3. Expense
4. The limited nubmer of providers
Correct: 35 percent

The number of unique visitors to a given site are often inflated due PRIMARILY to which circumstance?

1. Users clearing cookies
2. Pop-up blockers
3. Users switching between home and work machines
4. Web technology incompatibilities (javascript, html)
Correct: 31 percent