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BPM Testing

Yesterday was the first day of testing for BPM suites. We have 12 total products to test so we've got a full lineup for the next two months.
At 9pm - thanks to remote access technology - the first suite was actually running. I think it might have been running earlier had the installation process not required that the machine be restarted fifty gazillion times. Seriously, the process would install a component, then require a reboot, it would finish installation that component and then install another, only to require another reboot. That poor machine was rebooted yesterday so often I felt like I was running Windows ME again.
I installed two other suites earlier in the day. One is installed, but it appears to have gone poorly because there is no database (for the repository) running and no application server (for the portal). The installation appears to have gone fine, the logs indicate success at every step, but the product is obviously not installed and isn't running. No services to start, no scripts to run, nothing. Documentation is scanty and for once I wish I had one of those stupid color-coded "step by step" installation posters because I'm fairly certain that hidden in the documentation is some fine print requiring the sacrifice of a live chicken in order to successfully complete the installation process.

Another product installed just fine, only to ask for license keys - which had not been submitted with the product. I've since received the license keys, so today we'll see if the product installation was truly successful or whether the damn things are just toying with me.
After yesterday's experience, I'm betting on the latter.