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Blade, Intel Push Parallel Programming, Software's Holy Grail: Page 3 of 4

So  let me close on the good news that mass(er) market parallel programming tools are coming into existence. Indeed, this was the impetus for the Blade and Intel announcement. Namely, they're going to do their student training using Intel Parallel Studio, which is brand new. (It was officially released at the end of May.)  Parallel Studio runs on top of Microsoft Visual Studio, and enables the creation of parallel apps in C and C++.

The takeaway here is it seems we're moving from the days when parallel compilers were arcane tools which could only be used by those who knew which switches to set.  Sure,  an environment like Parallel Studio may have to make compromises, and it can't do stuff in high level which can't yet be done in low level. But it's sure nice to see this stuff moving into the mainstream.


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